Positive Philter-Mini-Episode 18- Being a New Dad (Throwback Episode)

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This episode was a previously recorded “Random Ramble” from last April were I discussed being a new parent. Random Ramblings was a video series I used to do on YouTube a while back. Funny how one year later this episode is still relevant to me as we await the arrival of little Wilkerson #2. 

Random Rambling Series on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0y8z-Mhlwp1xXqMuXPyThlG4g0oIlI7C

Disclaimer: I recorded this episode on my phone so I apologize for the background noise. Please be patient with me as I record these mini-episodes and get the hang of editing. 

Intro/Outro Music provided by Ryan Rosemond 

If you have questions for the podcast use the hashtag #AskPositivePhilter on twitter or message the Positive Philter on Facebook. 

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Check out this episode!