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I recorded an episode of my thoughts. No scripts, just what I was thinking. If you are a loyal listener, let me know what you think.
Positive Philter Merchandise: https://www.wts-va.com/positive-philter
If you are interested in donating please follow the link here: https://www.marchforbabies.org/illphil500
Intro/Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums
Please follow Positive Philter:
Positive Philter Facebook Page
If you would like to support the podcast, please consider donating to the Positive Philter Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/positivephilter
If you are interested in learning about the chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha I am affiliated with,Theta Rho Lambda, check out their website: http://thetarholambda.org/