Lessons from GMU Counseling Program

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In this episode, my good friend Marty and I discuss the impact of George Mason’s Counseling Program on our lives outside of grad school. 
Examples of Qualities We Learned/Enhanced from Counseling Program
1) Empathy
2) Listening Skills
3) Self-Awareness (feelings)

Sidenote: I am still working on my editing skills. Please bear with me. Thank you for being loyal listeners of the podcast! 

Counseling Program: https://gse.gmu.edu/counseling/

Positive Philter Merchandise: https://www.wts-va.com/positive-philter 

Intro/Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums 

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Check out this episode!