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This holiday season I want to give thanks for all the good things in my life. I also wanted to get my family and friends involved too! I asked my family and friends to tell me what they are grateful to share with the world via this podcast. Check it out! You can always call the podcast at 571-336-6560. Leave a message for the Positive Philter!
Article about the benefits of Gratitude
Order of Appearance
- Aaron Whitehead
- Bennett Wilkerson
- Hillard McMorris
- Albert Lawrence
- Samnang Man
- Ann Snee
- Megan and Mason Neforos
- Antonio Stewart
- Katie, Nick, and Jack Masson
- Megan Mark
- Philip Wilkerson Jr. (aka Daddy P)
- Carol Wilkerson
- Blake Morant
- Marcus Jackson
- Brandon Samuel
- Kevin Glover
- Carol Walker (Carolita)
- Charlie Sabatino
- Jeff Kirsch
- Deanna Pruitt
- Christie Michals
- Marc Peters
- Ryan and Charlotte Griffin
- Shea Skinner
- Chris McNeil
- Kevin Nmah
- Maggie Wilkerson
Positive Philter Merchandise: https://www.wts-va.com/positive-philter
Background Music by Kyle Cox “Bring Us to Our Best”
Intro/Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums
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