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Maggie and I are celebrating 10 years of marital bliss!!! To celebrate we decided to record an episode with the 10 lessons we learned over the years. Check it out!!!
10 Lessons
Lesson 1
Avoid the four horsemen of the marriage apocalypse (Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt, and Stonewalling)
Lesson 2
Have shared interests but also your own life. We share many friends, but also have time alone with friends.
Lesson 3
Learn how to listen with your mouth close, two ears one mouth
Lesson 4
Try to laugh together every day, whether it’s something the kids said or a dumb Instagram video or making fun of our kids together
Lesson 5
Follow the positive examples set by other couples. We have friends who are happily married and we try to take away positive things from others.
Lesson 6
Keep our drama in the house. Don’t bitch constantly about your partner to friends, because they’ll grow to dislike them.
Lesson 7
Talk things through. Talk about the tough stuff. Be honest with each other, even if it is hard for your partner to hear.
Lesson 8
Give each other space and time to process but don’t stay away too long
Lesson 9
Having shared values helps a lot in a marriage. We usually see eye to eye on most things: parenting, politics, family values, human rights.
Lesson 10
Eating meals together as a family and talking to each other. No screens allowed. Food and cooking is a way to show love and reconnect.
Other Episodes featuring Maggie
Married with Children:
Life Lessons from Maggie:
Social Media/Plugs
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mswilkerson23/
If you have a question for the podcast call 571-336-6560 or leave a question via this Google Form.
Intro music provided by DJ BIGyoks. Check out his Instagram and Soundcloud channel can be found here:
Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums
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Positive Philter was selected by FeedSpot as Top 20 Positive Thinking Podcasts on the web.