A Career in Health (featuring Kristen and Max Garvin)

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In this episode, I am joined by my family from Maine, Kristen and Max Garvin. Kristen shares her career in health as a nurse and a Peace Corps volunteer. Kristen ]was a Peace Corps in Ecuador from 1999–2001. Since Peace Corps, she has gotten a BS in Nursing and a MS in healthcare administration. Maxi is her son who provided some thought-provoking shot-for-shot questions! 

Shout Outs and Plugs

Kristen’s IG @hazdrobal 
Kristen’s Twitter @kristengarvin 

If you have a question for the podcast call 571-336-6560 or leave a question via this Google Form.

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Intro music provided by DJ BIGyoks. Check out his Instagram and Soundcloud channel can be found here: 



 Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums 

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Positive Philter was selected by FeedSpot as Top 20 Positive Thinking Podcasts on the web.


The Positive Philter Podcast is dedicated to Jeff Kirsch. A long-time supporter of the show and a major influence on this show’s growth. Please support the careers of future advocates by donating to the Jeff Kirsch Fund for Anti-Hunger Advocacy. This fund was named after Jeff Kirsch for his decades of service in fighting hunger and inequality. Link to fund: https://frac.org/kirschfund


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