Q&A Episode from My Frolleagues (featuring Dorothy Hayden, Christie Michals, and Victoria Suarez)

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In this episode, Christie, Dorothy, Victoria, and I tackle some questions from the listeners. If you have a question for the podcast call 571-336-6560 or leave a question via this Google Form. You can also message the podcast on FB, Twitter, and Instagram. 

  • Call and leave a voicemail for what you’re thankful for this Holiday season!

Social Media Links/Plugs

Christie Michals:

  • Cats for Introverts and Dogs for Extroverts: https://youtu.be/rUaj7rj6MI8
  • Twitter/Instagram @christiemkay4

Dorothy Hayden:

  • VACE: Twitter/Instagram-@vaceoutreach
  • EACE: Twitter/Instagram- @EACEPR

Victoria Suarez:

  • Dulles Triangles: https://www.dullestriangles.com/
  • GMU Toastmasters- Twitter/Instagram-@GMUToastmasters 
  • Centreville Toastmasters- Twitter/Instagram- @CentrevilleTM
If you have a question for the podcast call 571-336-6560 or leave a question via this Google Form.

Intro/Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums 

Please follow Positive Philter:

Positive Philter Facebook Page

Positive Philter Twitter

Positive Philter Instagram 

If you would like to support the podcast, please consider donating to the Positive Philter Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/positivephilter

Positive Philter was selected by FeedSpot as Top 20 Positive Thinking Podcasts on the web.

Check out this episode!